Wednesday 2 August 2017

Jet Ski in Tobago

My fellow adventurers, for those of you like me (and the dog above😆), who love water activities, I'm sure we can all agree that Jet Skiing🚤is definitely a euphoric experience. When you increase the jet ski speed and ride those waves, the adrenaline rush alone makes you feel to scream out out in excitement! 😄 
Hopefully not like this guy though...😕lol.
But more like this...
So yeah, Jet skiing is tons of fun and if you're ever in Tobago and have not tried it yet, it'll be a great opportunity for you to do so there! They'll teach you how to do it and let you try it for yourself. 😁You'll get a chance to do so in the beautiful waters of Store Bay and Pigeon Point as seen in the images below. Doesn't it look cool? 😎 I'm supposed to be going to Tobago this month and I can't wait to jet ski again. 😃 What are your views on jet skiing? Have you ever done it before? Are you willing to try? Let me know in the comment section and 'reaction' options below! I'd love to hear from you. 😊 


  1. Awesome! Best Experience ever!

    1. Thank you! :D Yesss I can't wait to go back! :D

  2. This looks very Exciting! Cant wait to visit Tobago!

  3. Jet skis may appear to be fundamentally the same as riding snowmobiles or cruisers, yet in all actuality, they are totally extraordinary and riding one without legitimate guidance can be amazingly hazardous. In the event that you are thinking about leasing or buying one try to go to various exercises and starting courses prior to hitting the water. A Jet Ski mishap can be maintained a strategic distance from when all drivers and riders are appropriately experienced and authorized


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